The Wuyi Mountains are a mountain range located in the prefecture of Nanping in the Fujian province near the border with Jiangxi province. The mountains cover an area of 60 km². In 1999, Mount Wuyi entered a list of World Heritage Sites, both natural and cultural. It is a biodiversity conservation zone of Southeast China.
Tao of Tea has a relationship with a 2nd generation tea grower on Tong Mu Mountain in Wuyishan which began in 2006. This craftsman, named Haong, runs a small, clean operation, which he inherited from his father, and is working toward improving agricultural standards in his area. He is also well-connected with other farmers in the region, and therefore has been able to access rare teas for us from time to time.
Tong Mu is famous for its Lapsong Souchong smoked black tea. It is also known for Jin Jun Mei, a delicious small leaf red tea with golden tips. It is important to seek a reliable source for Jin Jun Mei, as there are many counterfeit teas on the market.